Why Resource Sharing?

By working together – pooling resources, sharing staff, expertise, funds and programs – across organizational boundaries, public health departments can accomplish more than they could do alone. That is the benefit of resource sharing.

The Center for Sharing Public Health Services provides access to tools, techniques,  expertise and resources that support better collaboration and sharing across boundaries. We help public health departments across the country protect and promote the health of the people they serve.

Spectrum of Sharing Arrangements

Looser Integration

Tighter Integration

As-Needed Assistance

Information sharing (e.g., infectious disease testing protocols, health education messaging)

Equipment sharing

Assistance for surge capacity (e.g., assisting with food delivery during a crisis, providing temporary contact tracing capacity)

Assisting with enrolling in public benefit programs

Service-Related Arrangements

Service provision agreements (e.g., contract to provide immunization services, providing grants to community members to implement population health strategies)

Purchase of staff time (e.g., environmental health specialist)

Shared Programs or Functions

Joint programs and services (e.g., shared HIV program, shared data platform)

Joint shared capacity (e.g., epidemiology, communications)

Group purchasing / procurement processes

Joint management and governance of grants

Regionalization / Consolidation

New entity formed by merging existing local public health agencies

Consolidation of one or more local public health agencies into an existing local public health agency

Consolidating health and human services into one agency

Consolidating public health and behavioral health services into one agency

Download a PDF of the Spectrum of Sharing Arrangements