Rural/Small Jurisdictions

Public Health Partnership (San Luis Valley Public Health Partnership in Colorado)

This document provides an overview of the counties involved in the partnership, including their demographic characteristics. The summary highlights the regions need for improved health care access, describes and lists the public health agencies participating in the partnership, and lists the milestones they have completed in creating and formalizing the partnership.

Public Health Cross Jurisdictional Sharing: The Rural New York Experience

This recorded paper presentation, from the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting in 2014, is a year one progress report for a cross-jurisdictional initiative between Genesee and Orleans Counties in rural New York. The paper articulates the rigorous planning process, early successes, challenges, and planned next steps. Available online (pdf):

Northwoods Shared Services Toolkit

This comprehensive report documents public health sharing efforts in Wisconsin, including an explanation of what shared services are, why services are shared, barriers to sharing services, and examples of successful sharing arrangements. In addition, authors review each phase of the Center’s Roadmap to Develop Cross-Jurisdictional Sharing Initiatives.

Case Study: The West Central Public Health Partnership

This case study is part of the Partnerships for Health initiative, an initiative designed to help improve the coordination of health services at the community level. Partnerships were among hospitals, local health departments, community-based organizations, government agencies and community members. Each partnership identified a Healthy People 2010 focus area important to its community. Grants were […]

Case Study: Public Health Shared Services: Southeast Kansas (SEK) Multi-County Health Department

The Southeast Kansas (SEK) Multi-County Health Department is a collaboration between four rural counties: Allen, Anderson, Bourbon and Woodson. It operates as a single agency, but provides public health services in each county. The arrangement allows the four counties to share one administrator, one accountant and one medical director between the four public health locations. […]

Cross-Jurisdictional Public Health Sharing Arrangements in Kansas

Public health funding in Kansas and the nation has decreased in recent years, while the responsibilities of public health agencies have not. As resources become more limited, public health departments must explore alternate ways to effectively and efficiently provide foundational public health services to their communities. Some counties in Kansas are responding to this challenge […]

Small Grant Learnings

The Center for Sharing Public Health Services (the Center) granted competitive awards of approximately $10,000 each to a total of 15 sites through its small grants program. This program was designed to fill specific gaps in the Center’s knowledge, affirm and/or refine initial learnings, and assist the sites in achieving their program goals.