Assessment Tool for Public Health — Existing CJS Arrangements: Abbreviated Survey

Resource Summary

What is it? A self-administered survey designed to allow potential CJS partners with an overview of existing shared service arrangements among potential partners.

When can I use it? Having a complete list of agreements, their purposes, and their characteristics may provide helpful information to agencies in exploring or planning sharing initiatives. It will be most useful when utilized at the very beginning of any CJS planning process.

How do I use it? The survey should be completed by one representative of each of the public health agencies involved in any current or planned cross‐jurisdictional sharing initiative. Each survey should take about 10 minutes to complete.

What is next?
As this survey is intended to help agencies discuss and plan potential sharing initiatives by providing an overview of the current existing relationships, the results from each partner should be discussed and compared so that areas of inconsistency in understanding and/or preexisting relationships between partners can be known by all partners. If inconsistencies or questions regarding current agreements exist after the survey the agencies are encouraged to make use of the full version of the Existing CJS Arrangements Survey. That survey and additional tools are available from the Center for Sharing Public Health Services to help partners examine and discuss important factors in designing their CJS agreements.

We are offering this tool in two different formats. Print the PDF if you want to use the survey as written. Select the Word file if you want to make changes to the survey before distributing it. Publication number CSPHS/07-V1.